Baby Birth Calendar

Baby Birth Calendar

Baby Birth Calendar

Baby Birth Calendar
Baby Birth Calendar
is a Tool to count Days
to Expected date of Confinement
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Days to Baby's Birthday and
Weeks/Months are Displayed.

Setting Page of Expected
date of Confinement

Description of this month

[ Pregnancy Months/Weeks ]
Month Weeks Image Description
1 1 - 3 The fertilized egg goes through a process of cell division. About 30 hours after fertilization, it divides into two cells, then four cells, then eight, and continues to divide and it will become morula. The morula becomes blastocyst and it will attach itself to the endometrium.
2 4 - 7 Baby's brain and nervous system are developing at a rapid pace. Heart will begin to beat. Umbilical cord has formed. Baby's face is taking shape. The mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are some of the facial features that become more defined.
3 8 - 11 All of your baby's vital organs have been formed during this month. Baby's fingers and toes are beginning to form. The eyes are becoming more obvious because they've begun to develop pigment in the retina. The digestive system continues to develop. Tooth buds form inside the mouth.
4 12 - 15 Baby's brain continues to develop, and tiny fingernails and toenails start to form. Hairs have developed on your baby's face. Baby is making lots of movements with head, mouth, arms, wrists, hands, legs, and feet.
5 16 - 19 The placenta is growing to accommodate your baby. Ears move to their final position. Baby will now probably be able to hear your voice. Baby's bones begin to harden.
6 20 - 23 Baby's skin is thickening and developing layers. Hair and nail growth continue. The intestines have developed. Taste buds have started to form on the tongue, and the brain and nerve endings are formed enough so that the fetus can feel touch.
7 24 - 27 Baby becomes similar to what he or she will look like at birth, except thinner and smaller during this month. Baby's lungs are developing the ability to produce surfactant. Inner ear is developed. Baby's hearing has continued to develop. Eyes will open and begin to blink.
8 28 - 31 Baby continues to be active. The folds and grooves of your baby's brain continue to develop and expand. Baby can even get the hiccups. Baby is urinating approximately several cups of urine a day into the amniotic fluid.
9 32 - 35 Eyelashes, eyebrows, and the hair on your baby's head are evident. Billions of developed neurons in baby's brain are helping him or her to learn about the in-utero environment (Baby can listen, feel, and even see somewhat.)
10 36 - 39 Baby is considered full-term. Baby has developed enough coordination to grasp with the fingers.
- 40 Expected date of Confinement
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