使用方法: SNMP4J [options] [transport:]address [OID[={type}value] ...]


option 説明 概要 デフォルト値/値制約
-a authProtocol Sets the authentication protocol used to authenticate SNMPv3 messages. Valid values are MD5 and SHA.
-A authPassphrase Sets the authentication pass phrase for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-b engineBootCount Sets the engine boot count to the specified value greater or equal to zero. Default is zero.
-c community Sets the community for SNMPv1/v2c messages.
-Ca agentAddress Sets the agent address field of a V1TRAP PDU. The default value is ''.
-Cg genericID Sets the generic ID for SNMPv1 TRAPs (V1TRAP). The default is 1 (coldStart).
-Ce enterpriseOID Sets the enterprise OID field of a V1TRAP PDU.
-Cil lowerBoundIndex Sets the lower bound index for TABLE operations.
-Ciu upperBoundIndex Sets the upper bound index for TABLE operations.
-Cn non-repeaters Setsthenon-repeaters field for GETBULK PDUs. It specifies the number of supplied variables that should not be iterated over. The default is 0.
-Cr max-repetitions Sets the max-repetitions field for GETBULK PDUs. This specifies the maximum number of iterations over the repeating variables. The default is 10.
-Cs specificID Sets the specific ID for V1TRAP PDU. The default is 0.
-Ct trapOID Sets the trapOID ( of an INFORM or TRAP PDU. The default is
-Cu upTime Sets the sysUpTime field of an INFORM, TRAP, or V1TRAP PDU.
-d debugLevel Sets the global debug level for Log4J logging output. Valid values are OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG.
-e engineID Sets the authoritative engine ID of the command responder used for SNMPv3 request messages. If not supplied, the engine ID will be discovered.
-E contextEngineID Sets the context engine ID used for the SNMPv3 scoped PDU. The authoritative engine ID will be used for the context engine ID, if the latter is not specified.
Displays this message and then exits the application.
-l localEngineID Sets the local engine ID of the command generator and the notification receiver (thus this SNMP4J-Tool) used for SNMPv3 request messages. This option can be used to avoid engine ID clashes through duplicate IDs leading to usmStatsNotInTimeWindows reports.
-n contextName Sets the target context name for SNMPv3 messages. Default is the empty string.
-m maxSizeRespPDU The maximum size of the response PDU in bytes.
Same as -Ow except that the retrieved values are also written as a serialized ArrayList of VariableBinding instances to the specified file. The snapshot format can be read later by other applications, for example MIB Explorer Pro 2.2 or later. See also -Ods.
Reads the snapshot file and dumps its contents on standard out. No SNMP operation will be done. See also -Ocs.
Activates listen operation mode. In this mode, the application will listen for incoming TRAPs and INFORMs on the supplied address. Received request will be dumped to the console until the application is stopped.
Activates table operation mode. In this mode, the application receives tabular data from the column OIDs specified as parameters. The retrieved rows will be dumped to the console ordered by their index values.
Activates dense table operation mode. In this mode, the application receives tabular data from the column OIDs specified as parameters. The retrieved rows will be dumped to the console ordered by their index values. In contrast to -Ot this option must not be used with sparse tables.
Same as -Ot except that for each SNMP row received exactly one row of comma separated values will printed to the console where the first column contains the row index.
Same as -OtCSV except that each row's first column will report the current time (millis after 1.1.1970) when the request has been sent.
Activates walk operation mode for GETNEXT and GETBULK PDUs. If activated, the GETNEXT and GETBULK operations will be repeated until all instances within the OID subtree of the supplied OID have been retrieved successfully or until an error occurred.
-p pduType Specifies the PDU type to be used for the message. Valid types are GET, GETNEXT, GETBULK (SNMPv2c/v3), SET, INFORM, TRAP, and V1TRAP (SNMPv1).
-P privacyPassphrase Sets the privacy pass phrase for encrypted SNMPv3 messages (same as -X).
-r retries Sets the number of retries used for requests. A zero value will send out a request exactly once. Default is 1.
-t timeout Sets the timeout in milliseconds between retries. Default is 1000 milliseconds.
-u securityName Sets the security name for authenticated v3 messages.
Sets the SNMP protocol version to be used. Default is 3.
Displays version information and then exits.
-x privacyProtocol Sets the privacy protocol to be used to encrypt SNMPv3 messages. Valid values are DES, AES (AES128), AES192, AES256, and 3DES(DESEDE).
-X privacyPassphrase Sets the privacy pass phrase for encrypted SNMPv3 messages (same as -P).


The address of the target SNMP engine is parsed according to the specified <transport> selector (default selector is udp):

udp | tcp hostname[/port]

B[OID[={type}value] ...]部分

The OIDs have to be specified in numerical form where strings may beenclosed in single quotes ('), for example: (which will return the sysName.0 instance with a GET)'public' (which will return the vacmGroupName. instance with a GET)

To request multiple instances, add additional OIDs with a space as separator. For the last sub-identifier of a plain OID (without an assigned value) a range can be specified, for example '' will has the same effect as enumerating all OIDs from '' to ''.

For SET and INFORM request, you can specify a value for each OID by using the following form: OID={type}value where <type> is one of the following single characters enclosed by '{' and '}':

option 説明
i Integer32
u UnsingedInteger32, Gauge32
x OCTET STRING specified as hex string where bytes separated by colons (':').
d OCTET STRING specified as decimal string where bytes are separated by dots ('.').
n Null
t TimeTicks
a IpAddress
b OCTET STRING specified as binary string where bytes are separated by spaces.

・An example for a complete SNMPv2c SET request to set sysName:
 SNMP4J -c private -v 2c -p SET udp:localhost/161 "{s}SNMP4J"

・To walk the whole MIB tree with GETBULK and using SNMPv3 MD5 authentication:
 SNMP4J -a MD5 -A MD5UserAuthPassword -u MD5User -p GETBULK -Ow

・Listen for unauthenticated SNMPv3 INFORMs and TRAPs and all v1/v2c TRAPs:
 SNMP4J -u aSecurityName -Ol

・Send an unauthenticated SNMPv3 notification (trap):
 SNMP4J -p TRAP -v 3 -u aSecurityName "{t}0" \"{o}" \"{s}System XYZ, Version N.M"

・Retrieve rows of the columnar objects ifDescr to ifInOctets and ifOutOctets:
 SNMP4J -c public -v 2c -Ot localhost\